Studies - Facilitation In Holiness
- implantable 5g nanotech biosensor from system date 2021 in covid-19 vaccine -
- Update surrogaat kroning charles: ‘prinses’ kate middleton wordt klaargestoomd voor de volgende fase -
- Davids Geluid Vanaf Het Geroepen SionsEiland Patmos; de leviathan onder Zijn Voeten -
- Important For Now:european elections? voting is choosing for ba’al, moloch and baphomet, thus anti-Christ -
- Awareness: celebrating Ascension day, harmLess? -
- Awareness: church on the wrong mountain; if you not Discern it; you are in it; Make yourself Free From it; -
- River Of Glory Inheritance Firstfruits: Patmos, The Zion-island Revives -
- Awareness: old and new in the matrixsystem? Or New In The Eternal Freedom? -
- OilDrop: emotional claim’recht’ -
- Revolutionary Reformation Study: christmas; ‘the death’ of The Two Witnesses, everybody gives each other presents; do you have The Blood Of Prophets on your hands? -