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She Is... As The Dance Of Two Armies
Am I the next victim of confusion of a too complex world,
wherein I have to make structures to comprehend it, driven by the existential urge to actualize Myself? The need, coming from inner emptiness, to create something to live and to die for? The definition of idolatry. A dutch newspaper calls our thinking absolutism. Absolutism: in the whole of complexity of this world grasp and embrace a splinter of ‘reality’ and make that splinter the core of My ‘reason to exist’. An urge so deep that from this urge I want to convince you of My ‘reality’, not out of Love, but only to strengthen for Myself this ‘reality paradigm’ I have created. To fill My ‘empty heart’ with the zeal for a
temporary security: evangelization to consume the people around Me.
Is that what I do In This Book?
It’s For you To Ask The Father…
It’s For you To Take A Leap Of Faith
The Starting Of The Holy HighPriestHood On Earth
Was The Beginning Of The End of babylon
And The Beginning Of The Beginning Of The Reign
Of The Kingdom Of God On Earth.
This Book Is About A Woman
David Joshua Israel Immanuel Ben Sion
Welcome… In The New Work
– Isaiah 43:19 Jeremiah 31:22b –
Deze Spreuken Zijn De Gouden Bouwstenen
Voor Het Nieuwe Jeruzalem In Jou.
Dezen Zijn Alleen Bouwend Als Er Het Juiste
Dus Levende Fundament In Jouw Hart Gelegd Is,
Namelijk Dat Van Hooglied 1:3b En Mattheus 26:12+13.
Zie Het Boek: She Is As The Dance Of Two Armies
Alleen Dit Fundament Kan De Gouden Stenen Dragen,
Zodat Het Geheel, In Alle Harten Van Zijn Geroepen Bruid,
OpRijst Tot Een Woning Van God Hier Op Aarde.
To Order A Book:
The Book ‘She Is AsThe Dance Of Two Armies’
Is Free For Matthew 26:12+13, Psalm 133 Followers,
144.000 cents, for who are still searching,
As He Leads
More Information: info@RiverOfFullness.org